Política de privacidad​


T-LINE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V., TLINE TECHNOLOGY, LLC y sus compañías afiliadas (en conjunto, "TLINE" o "nosotros") respetan su privacidad y procesarán cualquier información personal solo de acuerdo con las leyes de protección de datos aplicables. Esta Política de privacidad cubre la información que recopilamos sobre usted cuando utiliza nuestro sitio web, nuestros Productos o Servicios (como se define a continuación) y cómo procesamos esos datos personales.​

Agradecemos que confíe en nosotros cuando nos proporciona su información. La protección de la información es nuestra principal prioridad porque queremos mantener su confianza.​

Esta Política de privacidad se aplica a nuestros "Productos" (CURIOSITY (PLATAFORMA DE ENTREGA EN LA NUBE), "Servicios" y partes públicas de nuestro sitio web, incluidos, entre otros, https://tline.com/terms-of-use/

Diseñamos todos nuestros Productos y Servicios teniendo en cuenta la protección de datos. Trabajamos duro para mantener su información segura. Supervisamos y actualizamos periódicamente nuestras prácticas de seguridad para ayudar a proteger mejor su privacidad. Lea atentamente esta Política de privacidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre el uso que hacemos de su información personal, comuníquese con nosotros utilizando los datos de contacto que se proporcionan al final de esta Política de privacidad. SI NO ESTÁ DE ACUERDO CON ALGUNA PARTE DE ESTA POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD, NO NOS PROPORCIONE SUS DATOS PERSONALES NI UTILICE NUESTROS PRODUCTOS, SERVICIOS Y/O SITIOS WEB.​


Le recomendamos que lea esta Política de privacidad en su totalidad para asegurarse de estar completamente informado. Sin embargo, si solo desea acceder a una sección particular de esta Política de privacidad, puede hacer clic en el enlace correspondiente a continuación para ir a esa sección. Los tipos de datos que recopilamos Cómo usamos sus datos Nuestra base para usar sus datos Compartir y divulgar Transferencias internacionales de datos Medidas para mantener sus datos seguros Retención de datos Sus derechos Política de privacidad de la UE Aviso de privacidad de California Cookies para niños y tecnología de seguimiento similar Enlaces a otros sitios web y servicios Cambios en nuestra política de privacidad Cómo contactarnos​


Recopilamos datos sobre usted que lo identifican, relacionan, describen, pueden asociarse o podrían vincularse razonablemente, directa o indirectamente, con usted ("Datos personales"). Los datos personales pueden ser proporcionados voluntariamente por usted o pueden recopilarse automáticamente. Esta Política de privacidad se aplica a los Datos personales que procesamos como "controlador de datos", es decir, como la parte que determina qué datos se recopilan y por qué. Tenga en cuenta que esta Política de privacidad no se aplica en la medida en que procesemos Datos personales en el papel de un "procesador de datos" en nombre de nuestros clientes en el curso de la provisión de Productos y/o Servicios. Las disposiciones establecidas en el Reglamento general de protección de datos ((UE) 2016/679) ("GDPR"), la Ley de protección de datos de 2018 ("Ley de 2018") y el RGPD del Reino Unido (según se define en la sección 3(10) del 2018 Act) requiere que los controladores establezcan acuerdos con sus procesadores que contengan reglas que rijan el procesamiento de datos para el controlador. Si actuamos como Procesador en nuestra relación comercial con usted, estaremos encantados de celebrar un DPA con usted. Por favor descargue nuestro DPA disponible en: ¡Error! Referencia de hipervínculo no válido. complete la información relevante, fírmela y envíenosla a privacy@tline.com.​

Cuando utiliza nuestros Productos, Servicios y sitios web, recopilamos los Datos personales que nos proporciona, que incluyen:​

Información que usted proporciona voluntariamente​

Ciertas partes de nuestro sitio web, Productos o Servicios pueden solicitarle que proporcione Datos personales voluntariamente: por ejemplo, podemos solicitarle que proporcione su contacto​

para descargar una versión de prueba gratuita de nuestros Productos, acceder a recursos y documentación adicionales (p. ej., guías de productos), registrar una cuenta con nosotros, suscribirse a nuestras comunicaciones de marketing y/o enviarnos consultas. Los Datos personales que se le solicita que proporcione, y las razones por las que se le solicita que los proporcione, se establecen en esta Política de privacidad o se le aclararán en el momento en que le solicitemos que proporcione sus Datos personales y pueden incluir: Contacto información, como su nombre, dirección postal, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono (cada uno asociado con usted en su capacidad personal o profesional); Datos de autenticación, como nombre de usuario, contraseña, sugerencias de contraseña, identificador de redes sociales y otra información similar utilizada para verificar la identidad de nuestros clientes; Información comercial, como información sobre los Servicios y Productos a los que se suscribe y la información de pago que proporciona en relación con estas transacciones (incluida la dirección de facturación y los datos de la tarjeta de pago); Información profesional, como su empleador actual o anterior y el título del trabajo; Preferencias, como la forma en que prefiere comunicarse con nosotros, los Servicios y Productos que le interesan u otras preferencias que nos comunique; y Otra información que proporcione, como información en correos electrónicos u otras comunicaciones que nos envíe o contribuya de otra manera (por ejemplo, consultas de atención al cliente, blog de TLINE o publicaciones en foros).​

Información que recopilamos automáticamente​

Cuando visita nuestro sitio web y/o utiliza nuestros Productos o Servicios, podemos recopilar cierta información automáticamente de su dispositivo (por ejemplo, información como su dirección IP, tipo de dispositivo, números únicos de identificación del dispositivo, tipo de navegador, ubicación geográfica amplia (es decir, ubicación a nivel de país o ciudad) y otra información técnica) mediante el uso de cookies o tecnología de seguimiento similar. También podemos recopilar información sobre cómo su dispositivo ha interactuado con nuestro sitio web y/o productos, incluidas las páginas a las que accedió y los enlaces en los que hizo clic. En algunos países, incluidos los países del Espacio Económico Europeo, esta información puede considerarse Datos personales según las leyes de protección de datos aplicables.​

Los Datos personales que podemos obtener a través de las cookies incluyen: Identificadores únicos, como la dirección IP, el tipo de navegador, el sistema operativo, las páginas que ve en los sitios web, las páginas que ve inmediatamente antes y después de acceder a los sitios web y los términos de búsqueda que utiliza. ingresar en los sitios web, Internet u otra información de actividad de la red electrónica;​

Datos generales de ubicación; e Inferencias extraídas de las categorías anteriores. Para obtener más información sobre cómo usamos las cookies, los tipos de cookies que usamos, sobre tecnologías de seguimiento similares y cómo administrar sus preferencias de cookies, consulte nuestra "Política de cookies", y para obtener más información sobre las cookies, consulte "Cookies y tecnología de seguimiento similar” a continuación.​

En algunos casos, sus Datos personales se complementarán con información recuperada de fuentes públicas, como medios en línea o sitios web de empleadores, con el fin de confirmar su posición profesional o dirección actual.​

Datos Personales que TLINE no busca recopilar​

TLINE no necesita categorías especiales de información personal (también conocida como “información o datos personales sensibles”), según lo define la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares de México o el RGPD y el RGPD del Reino Unido, para proporcionar sus Productos o Servicios. . TLINE evita recopilar Datos personales confidenciales de usted a través de los Servicios, Productos o de otra manera. A menos que TLINE lo solicite específicamente, no proporcione Datos personales confidenciales a TLINE. Si elige proporcionar a TLINE Datos personales confidenciales no solicitados, TLINE los procesará solo según sea necesario para establecer, ejercer o defender reclamos legales. En las raras circunstancias en las que TLINE busca recopilar datos personales confidenciales, TLINE lo hará de acuerdo con las leyes de protección de datos y/o solicitará su consentimiento.​


Usamos los Datos personales principalmente para proporcionar Productos (incluso a través de publicidad dirigida), Servicios y responder a las solicitudes que recibimos de usted. Utilizamos los datos relacionados con la cuenta que nos proporcionan los clientes en relación con la compra, el registro, el uso o el soporte de la cuenta del cliente (como nombres de usuario, direcciones de correo electrónico e información de facturación) para brindarle acceso a nuestro sitio web, Productos o Servicios. , para contactarlo con respecto a su uso de nuestros Productos o Servicios o para notificarle cambios importantes en nuestro sitio web, Productos o Servicios. Dicho procesamiento es necesario para la ejecución del contrato entre usted y TLINE. Cuando solicita información sobre nuestros Productos o Servicios (por ejemplo, cuando nos solicita que le enviemos ofertas o información de precios), nosotros​

utilizará su información de contacto para responder a sus solicitudes. Dicho procesamiento es necesario para responder o implementar su solicitud antes de celebrar un contrato con nosotros.​

También utilizamos los Datos personales para fines de comunicación, incluso para enviarle boletines, promociones, encuestas y otra información relacionada con el producto y para mantener nuestra lista de contactos. Le enviaremos dicha información solo en base a su consentimiento previo, que se otorga en el momento en que nos proporciona los Datos personales respectivos. En tal caso, si no nos brinda su consentimiento para el procesamiento de sus Datos personales con fines de comunicación, no le enviaremos la información respectiva. Puede retirar su consentimiento para recibir dichas comunicaciones en cualquier momento. Tenga en cuenta que continuaremos comunicándonos con usted por correo electrónico para responder a sus solicitudes y con respecto a la provisión de nuestros Productos o Servicios.​

Usamos datos relacionados con su uso del sitio web, los Productos o los Servicios para analizar, administrar, respaldar y mejorar su acceso y uso del sitio web, los Productos o los Servicios, incluida la prevención del fraude. La recopilación de esta información nos permite comprender mejor a los visitantes que visitan nuestro sitio web y/o utilizan nuestros Productos o Servicios, de dónde provienen y qué contenido de nuestro sitio web les interesa. Usamos esta información para nuestros fines analíticos internos y para mejorar la calidad y relevancia de nuestro sitio web, Productos o Servicios para nuestros clientes y usuarios finales. También podemos compilar, anonimizar y/o agregar sus Datos personales y otros datos y utilizar dichos datos anónimos y/o agregados para nuestros fines comerciales, incluido el intercambio de dichos datos con afiliados y socios comerciales. Esta información agregada no lo identifica, es decir, no se considera Datos Personales.​

We also may use your Personal Data in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection and obtain your consent if required by applicable law. Additionally, we may anonymize or aggregate your information and use it for other purposes as permitted by applicable law.


If you access our Services or use our Products from the European Economic Area or the UK, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. When processing

Personal Data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, we will rely on any consents you have provided in respect of direct marketing activities or in reliance on our legitimate interests this interest will normally be to conduct our business and communicating with you as necessary to provide our services to you and for our legitimate commercial interest, for instance, when responding to your queries, improving our Products or Services, or for the purposes of detecting or preventing illegal activities. We may have other legitimate interests and if appropriate we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.

Where we rely on legitimate interests to process Personal Data, we will balance our need to process that information with any risks such processing poses to your rights and freedoms.


We do not sell or otherwise make your Personal Data available to third parties, although we may disclose your Personal Data to the following categories of recipients: to our group companies (including those in Switzerland, Bermuda, Cyprus, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brasil and the United States), third party services providers and partners who provide data processing services to us (e.g., to support the delivery of, provide functionality on, or help to enhance the security of our website and/or products), or who otherwise process Personal Data for purposes that are described in this Privacy Notice or notified to you when we collect your personal information (when they perform services on our behalf, mainly to maintain and support our IT systems).

We may also disclose your Personal Data to third parties including law enforcement bodies, regulatory, government agencies or other third parties in the following circumstances: (a) to undertake the activities listed above; (b) to conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process (including assisting in the investigation of suspected illegal or wrongful activity or to deal with any misuse of the product); (c) to sell, make ready for sale or dispose of our business in whole or in part including to any potential buyer or their advisers.


Use of our Products and Services sometimes involves cross-border transfers of Personal Data. TLINE may transfer your Personal Data to the following countries: Switzerland, Bermuda, Cyprus, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brasil and the United Sates.

For cross-border transfers of Personal Data to jurisdictions not guaranteeing an adequate level of data protection, TLINE uses appropriate safeguards to guarantee that your personal data be protected in accordance with this Privacy Police and applicable data protection laws. These safeguards include implementing the either the European Commission’s or the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO’s”) standard contractual clauses (Art. 46 GDPR/ UK GDPR), adapted to satisfy applicable law requirements if necessary, which may be read here and other valid mechanisms for transfers of personal data among our affiliates, data processors or third parties.


We maintain reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction in light of the risks inherent in processing this information. We regularly review our security policies and procedures to ensure our systems are secure and protected.


We retain Personal Data we collect from you as long as we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (e.g., to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements). To determine the appropriate retention time for your Personal Data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Data, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data, and whether we can achieve these purposes through other means, as well as applicable legal requirements.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your Personal Data, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not

possible (e.g., because your Personal Data has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your Personal Data and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.


You may have rights with respect to your Personal Data conferred upon you by applicable law. Please consult the relevant section for further information about your available rights and means to exercise them. If you are located in the European Economic Area, UK or Switzerland, please see the EU & UK Privacy Policy. If you are a California resident, please see the California Privacy Policy. IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN A JURISDICTION WITH DATA PROTECTION LAWS THAT OFFER YOU PRIVACY RIGHTS NOT DESCRIBED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE CONTACT US AT privacy@tline.com. We respect your privacy rights and will do our best to accommodate your requests.

EU & UK Privacy Policy

Within the EU and UK, the data controller (i.e., the person who or entity that determines the purpose and means of processing) for the Personal Data collected pursuant to this Privacy Statement is T-LINE MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V., Ave. Paseo de la Reforma 404-1102, Col. Juárez, Cuauhtemoc, CDMX, México. Under the GDPR adn UK GDPR you have the following rights in relation to your Personal Data:

Right of access: You have the right to know if and what Personal Data we process about you and may request a copy of that Personal Data (along with certain other details). If you require additional copies, we may need to charge a reasonable fee.

Right to rectification: You are entitled to have incorrect or incomplete Personal Data about you corrected or completed. If we have shared your Personal Data with others, we will tell them about the rectification where possible. If you ask us, where possible and lawful to do so, we will also tell you with whom we shared your Personal Data so that you can contact them directly.

Right to erasure: You may ask us to delete your Personal Data. Under some circumstances we might not be able to delete your Personal Data (e.g., in case we are required to keep your Personal Data by law). If we have shared your Personal Data with others, we will inform them about the erasure where possible. If you ask us, where possible and lawful to

do so, we will also inform you with whom we shared your Personal Data so that you can contact them directly.

Right to restrict processing: You may ask us to restrict or ‘block’ the processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances, such as where you contest the accuracy of that Personal Data or object to the processing of it. We will tell you before we lift any restriction on processing. If we have shared your Personal Data with others, we will inform them about the restriction where possible. If you ask us, where possible and lawful to do so, we will also tell you with whom we shared your Personal Data so that you can contact them directly.

Right to object: You may ask us at any time to stop processing your Personal Data, and we will do so: if we are relying on a legitimate interest to process your Personal Data — unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing; or if we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. Please note that the limitation or deletion of your Personal Data may mean that we will be unable to provide you our Products or the Services described above.

Right to data portability: You also have the right to receive your Personal Data in a machine-readable format and have the data transferred to another party responsible for data processing.

Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling: You have the right to be free from decisions based solely on automated processing of your Personal Data, including profiling, unless such profiling is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between you and us.

Right to withdraw consent: If we rely on your consent to process your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. To opt out of any received emails or other promotional communication, please unsubscribe by selecting “unsubscribe” at the bottom of a received e-mail or by contacting us as indicated in the “Contact Us”. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your prior consent.

Right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority: If you have a concern about our privacy practices, including the way we have handled your Personal Data, you can report it to the data protection authority that is authorized to hear those concerns.


You may exercise your rights by contacting us as indicated in the “Contact Us” section below.


You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the ICO, the UK regulator for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk). We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns and do our best to resolve such concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us in the first instance.

California Privacy Notice

This California Privacy Rights Notice (“California Privacy Notice“) explains privacy rights available to residents of the State of California as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”). If this California Privacy Notice and any provision in the rest of our Privacy Statement conflict, then this California Privacy Notice controls for the processing of Personal Information of residents of the State of California. In CCPA, California residents are referred as “consumers” and we refer to them in this California Privacy Notice as “California Consumers” and “Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular California Consumer or household.

Our website collects information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or device (“Personal Data”). In particular, we have collected the following categories of Personal Data from Consumers within the last twelve (12) months.

Category Examples Purpose

Identifiers Name, postal address, email address, unique identifier, Internet Protocol address, account name, and similar identifiers. To provide you with information about the Products and Services that you request from us; to provide and deliver our Products and Services; to prevent fraudulent transactions; to maintain the security of the TLINE infrastructure.


information Products or services purchased, obtained, or considered; other purchasing or To analyze the way in which Consumers are accessing and using our Products and Services so that we can perform necessary marketin

consuming histories or tendencies further improve our website, Products and Services.

Internet or

other similar


activity Browsing history; search history; unique personal identifier; online identifier; Internet Protocol address; information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement To analyze how our Customers and users access and use our website, Products and Services and to improve the consumer experience.


data Physical location or movements To ensure the proper website experience is delivered; to analyze web traffic so as to conduct marketing activities.

In addition to the purposes stated above, we may use or disclose Personal Data obtained from you for one or more of the following business purposes: To fulfill or meet the reason you provided the Personal Data. For example, if you share your name and email address to receive information about our Products or Services, we will use that Personal Data to respond to your inquiry. If you provide your Personal Data to purchase our Products or Services, we will use that information to process your payment and provision the applicable our Products or Services that you purchased. To provide, support, personalize, improve, and develop our Site, your interaction with our website, Products or Services. To provide you with information that you request from us. To create, maintain, customize, and secure your Account or Platform. To prevent transactional fraud. As necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our Customers or others. To provide you with support and to respond to your inquiries, including to investigate and address your concerns and monitor and improve our responses. To deliver targeted content and relevant offerings, including event registrations, alerts, offers, and ads delivered through our Site and via email (with your consent, where required by law). For testing, research, and analysis of our website, Products or Services. To respond to valid law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations. As described to you when collecting your Personal Data or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA.

CCPA offers California Consumers the following key privacy rights: You have the right to request information about categories and specific pieces of Personal Information that we have collected about you (see table above), as well as the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the purpose for collecting Personal Information and the categories of third parties with whom we share Personal Information. You have the right to request information about our disclosure for business purposes of your Personal Information to third parties. You have the right to request that we delete certain Personal Information that we have collected from you. If we offer a financial incentive or price or service difference in exchange for your Personal Information, we will notify you in advance before collecting your Personal Information for this purpose and explain how you can opt in to the financial incentive or price or service difference. You have the right to opt out of our sale of your Personal Information if and when we determine the purpose and means of processing of your Personal Information. (In CCPA, “sale” means transferring or making available Personal Information to third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration.) Sharing your Personal Information with our service providers is not a sale of your Personal Information because we make sure that our service providers are contractually obligated to use the Personal Information only to provide services to us and not to sell it. Note that TLINE does not sell (within the meaning of CCPA) your Personal Information to third parties and accordingly, we do not provide you with information about how to opt-out of sale of your Personal Information. If this policy changes, we will notify you and provide you with information about how to opt out of sale of your personal data by us. You have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment from us for exercising any of your privacy rights. That is, we cannot treat you differently for exercising any of these rights unless we demonstrate that the value of the Personal Information that you provide to us is reasonably relate to the difference in price or service that we offer.


To exercise any of your available rights, please submit a request to us by: Calling us at [+52 55357079] or Sending an email to privacy@tline.com with the subject line “California Privacy Rights Request.”


TLINE does not intend to and not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 13. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Data to TLINE through this website, please contact us at privacy@tline.com and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.


We use cookies and similar tracking technology (collectively, “Cookies”) to collect and use personal information about you including to serve interest-based advertising. For further information about the types of Cookies we use, why, and how you can control Cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.


The Services may include links to third-party websites and services that are not operated by us. When you click these links, you will be directed away from the Services. A link to a third-party website or service does not mean that we endorse it or the quality or accuracy of information presented on it. If you decide to visit a third-party website or service, you are subject to this third party’s privacy practices and policies, not ours. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any personal data that you provide to these other websites and services.


We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. We will post all changes to this Privacy Policy on this page and notify you via appropriate means, where required by applicable law. By continuing to use the website and/or the Products or Services or providing us with information following such a replacement Policy being uploaded, you agree that you will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Privacy Policy as changed.


If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at privacy@tline.com